Finding Stories You Want to Read

My guide to the fiction, marketing, relationship articles and more that I’ve written

Don Simkovich, MA
1 min readJul 24, 2021


Hey Don: The Days of Don Simkovich

  • Two-minute life lessons

So Cal Live Work Play

  • Stories from Southern California related to home and health, career and entrepreneurship, and recreation

Stone Cold Crime Stories

  • True Crime and Crime-Thriller Fiction featuring background information collected for the Tom Stone Detective stories available on Amazon

The Healthy Smile

  • Focusing on those teeth and your smile

Articles & Stories (my most read and my favorites)

Family Relationships

The Heroic Pleading of a Black Social Worker Who Told Us Love is Not Enough

Finding Intimacy in My Spouse’s Illness

What the Mountains Above Los Angeles have Meant for Me and My Wife

Here’s One Piece in the Parenting Puzzle that I Got Right

Writing Tips

An Easy Writing Strategy to Regularly Produce Engaging Content

Structure Your Content to Write Blogs that Convert Readers to Customers



Don Simkovich, MA

Don is co-author of the Tom Stone Detective novels on Amazon and writes content for businesses. Visit Don Simkovich Amazon.